
Why Exercise While Pregnant



Winter’s here, it’s cold outside and while the gyms are closed we all need a bit more motivation to get out and exercise. Or to stay in and exercise at home!

Most of us are aware that exercise is important for a healthy life style and this is just as important, if not more so, during pregnancy.

Doing regular exercise has many benefits for mum-to-be and for the developing baby too. 

Why it’s Important to do Regular Exercise during Pregnancy 

Exercising will maintain or improve your overall fitness and strength which will  help you cope with the physical demands of pregnancy and labour and looking after a new baby. Some studies even indicate that the length of labour is shorter in women who exercise and they are less likely to need caesarian delivery.

Women who perform regular exercise during their pregnancy remain more agile and flexible, maintain muscle strength and are less likely to suffer from pelvic girdle and back problems. 

Regular Exercising is Good for Baby In Utero 

Regular cardiovascular exercise and increased maternal fitness has been shown to increase blood flow and oxygen transport across the placenta to the baby helping foetal growth and well-being. Studies have demonstrated that women who do moderate intensity aerobic exercise have babies in the healthy weight range.

Other Benefits of Exercise for Pre- And Post-natal Women

Other important benefits are lower weight gain for mum and a reduction in the chance of developing gestational diabetes. It’s also easier to lose pregnancy weight during the post-natal period. So that’s a good thing!

Many studies have shown that pre- and post-natal women who exercise are less likely to suffer mood disorders and depression. Group exercise is a terrific option in keeping anxiety at bay as it enables you to socialize with other mums-to-be, support each other and even find new friends for your exciting journey through new motherhood.

Did I mention that exercise helps you sleep? Working out and switching off from all the other distractions for a while can reduce stress and help you relax and get a good night’s sleep. And we all need that!

Contact Us

For further information on Aquamums classes, locations, registration, costs and payment methods, use the quick contact form. Your enquiry will be responded to promptly.

Please note that it is essential to contact the Aquamums office to obtain our Registration Form for medical clearance.

To make bookings for classes please contact Mandy at the Aquamums office by email or phone (03) 9826 6346.


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